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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ok this is probably a good thing…although it doesn't really seem like it right now!

As in a learning experience…

Last night as my daughter and I were having some quality “mommy and me” time, shopping for school supplies, I decided I would take her to dinner also.  We came out of the last store and there was a KFC across the street and she said Yum! That’s where I want to go!  So I am thinking ok they have grilled chicken right?? I can be good, right?  WRONG!!  This appears to be something akin to sending a drug addict into the pharmacy after hours alone, or an alcoholic into a bar to clean at night…NOT a good plan.


Grilled Chicken Breast 5 PP
Grilled Chicken Thigh 4 PP
Grilled Chicken Wing 2 PP (ok this was an accident, I asked them to give me the thigh instead but they didn’t and I had to go ask for it – which was stupid, because the wing is 2PP and the thigh is 4pp and since I am ridiculous I ate them both – why didn’t they take it away from me? Can’t you tell that I can’t be trusted with food???)
Cole Slaw 5 PP
Potato Wedges 5 PP
Biscuit 5 PP
Honey 2 PP

This is 27 Points Plus!!!! *^&*^*&*(^(*^$%##&# This is almost as many points as I get in a WHOLE day!!!!

Ok here is the reason I am telling you this, well there are a couple actually, OK LOTS!  I  will list some of them now:

Ø      I woke up in the middle of the night thinking I was going to be sick, and I still kind of feel this way…I am thinking that my body, after almost 14 months straight on the plan, can just not handle this junk anymore!  That in itself is a good thing!
Ø      I can’t always be trusted around food, can you?? 
Ø      ALWAYS HAVE A PLAN, this “La dee da, they have grilled chicken crap doesn’t work for me…I should have been figuring out Points Plus in the car from my Dining Out Guide (Conveniently located at all times in the console of my vehicle for just such an occasion…) BEFORE  I entered the den of iniquity!! (Not knocking KFC in general, I am really just making fun of myself and my weaknesses)
Ø      If I were going to cheat, there is stuff I like a whole lot better than KFC, so I actually felt a little disappointed during my guilt ridden pig out session!!!
Ø      I am trying to stay accountable here, NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS SKINNY FEELS doesn’t always work for me.

SO this being said, feel free to give me your comments whether they be “shame on you’s” or “keep pluggin’ away’s”!!!

On a positive note I have been trying to walk every day, at lunch and after dinner, I try to do at least 2 miles a day and on Monday did 6 (YES SIX) MILES!!! 2 at lunch and 4 after dinner!!

Let me know what is going on with you and I will try to get you a recipe or three in the next day or so!

Keep up the good work and think of me if you are struggling - NO DON'T GO TO KFC - THINK ABOUT HOW BAD I AM FEELING!! AND TODAY IS WEIGHIN DAY - LORD HAVE MERCY!